Sunday, February 3, 2008

Story of Baby T... sorry its taken a while to get to update, I know that you first time moms know how busy its been!

We are working on downloading some of our favorite pics of Beau so far and will be sure to update shortly.

Here's the story for now...Baby T's original due date was Thursday, January 24, 2008, however Dr. Lee had decided to induce us a little early before the due date due to the gestational diabetes which we had decided on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 3:30AM. Well, long story short, on Sunday night/Monday morning (1/21) at about 1AM, I felt a sudden "gush" and figured that this might be my water but no contractions...I waited and felt a little more and then decided to call my dr. at about 4ish I guess...she told me to go into the hospital and check it out. After being there for a few hours and an ultrasound later, they came to the conclusion that this was not my water and there was no consistency with the contractions, so they sent us home. They checked a few times and decided that I was about the same as I had been for a couple of weeks - 2cm dialted and 80% effaced. When we got home from the hospital, I started having pretty bad "cramps" which later to find out where contractions. We started to time them and they were about 25 minutes apart, then later in the day down to 10-15 minutes apart, which is when I figured that this could be it (I know, some things take me a while to get :) ). After bearing with these contractions and a few hot baths later, at about 1AM and asked if we could come in for our scheduled induction at 3:30 a little early and they said sure.

When we arrived and they admitted us and checked us, to our HUGE surprise, we were already 7cm dilated and almost completely effaced! I had been laboring at home the whole time! At that point, the pain was pretty bad and not knowing what to expect, I decided to get the epidural. Once that kicked in (in less than 10 minutes), I was feeling NO pain...actually nothing. My family (Mom, Dad and Christine) got there around 5:30AM from Covington and both my and Mike's family continued to come in after a few calls from Mike within the next couple of hours. Baby T was ready and there was no inducing necessary! At about 8:00 AM, my doctor had visited and was amazed by the progress and said that we should have the baby by 10AM and said that I should start pushing. We did that, and she was right - at about 9:15AM they called back in the doctor, gave one more push and then she said, "Dad, you want to tell Mom what you've had?", with LOTS of tears between the both of us, Mike told me, "Its a boy!!"!! I think that we, along with our families were surprised since by the "high heartbeat" we sort of thought it could be a girl the whole time! But BOY were we SOOOO happy to have a HEALTHY little BABY BOY!!! There's nothing like that experience - thats for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since then, we have been trying to get adjusted at home. With his little bit of jaundice at first, we had a little trouble with feeding...but it looks like the jaundice levels are going down a little and as of almost a week ago (last Monday) Beau was at 7lbs, 5oz - almost back to his birthweight of 7lbs and 9 oz. We pray that Beau can continue to eat well and gain some weight and flush out the rest of this jaundice too! We will know more at our 2 week checkup a week from Monday so we will keep you updated.

We are just so happy (and still a bit tired from the new schedule) but would not change ANYTHING - everything is great and we are so proud!

(Any tips or advice on breastfeeding and/or feeding in general would be gladly appreciated too!!)


Bridget said...

My biggest tip for breastfeeding, get a lactation consultant. Both of my kids had latch problems, Libby for longer than Logan. The support and advice that a personal consultant can give is invaluable! Check with your hospital or pediatrician or the international board certified lactation consultant website. Also, a good site, . Oh and Le Leche can be a great source of support. The early weeks are the roughest!
Good luck! Sounds like he's doing great! (Oh, and it's normal for babies to take a couple of weeks before hitting birthweight again when breastfed). Hope you are doing well!

steele family said...

Congratulations! He is so beautiful. I agree with Bridget, a lactation consultant is the best thing for breast feeding help and encouragement. It gets so much easier once you both get used to it. Stick with it, it is sooo worth it! Good luck.

Gwen said...

Thanks you guys for the advice - and by the way, it is GREAT to hear from you all! I'm just loving the blogging world! I since have taken advantage of the lactaction specialists hotline at Womans Hospital here in Baton Rouge and they have definitely helped! It seems to be getting better each day. As long as Beau is happy and getting what he needs, we know that we are just beyond happy! Thanks again and hope all is well you guys too!