Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Some pics for the holidays...

Hello to all! Hope everyone is having a very happy holiday season! We had a great Thanksgiving over at my sister Christine's in Covington on Thursday then the Thomas' on Sunday and we look forward to a very Merry Christmas with everyone(I think in New Orleans/Covington this year). Bummer is that we only have Christmas Day off of work so we'll have to fit lots in in that time...either way, we are looking forward to Christmas time!!! Here are some pics from Thanksgiving and then Mike and I getting the Christmas Tree ready at our house (you'll see Mike putting the angel on our tree...symbolic for us awaiting our little angel to come?? - shortly after Christmas time we expect...)

(For those of you requesting the "progression pics", there's a couple of belly pics too :) )

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Welcome to the 60s!

Happy Birthday Mom! In celebration of my mom's birthday, we had a 60's party Saturday night at Henry's bar (uptown New Orleans - on Magazine). It was a blast and the costumes were quite entertaining. Mike and I dressed in our favorite Woodstock attire (Mike was walking around saying "Peace Man" all night...and yes, those are blonde wigs on us!!)

We are looking forward to a short three day work week and then enjoying holidays!! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Mike and I sure do have lots to be thankful for this year!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Is it already Holiday time?!

Hello all! Sorry to not have been giving more timely updates. I hope to post some pics this weekend (I can only post pics from Mike's computer). Hope you all are doing well! And Congrats to Carrie on her new baby boy - how exciting! (Carrie, keep posting pics please!!)

As a quick update here...a few weeks ago we determined that I have some extent of gestational diabetes. From there, I have been meeting with the dieticians and staying on top of a new diet which basically consists of eating small meals throughout the day rather than your typical breakfast, lunch and dinner. So far, so sugar levels have stayed at a good level so hopefully we can keep this up. Also today I had my 2 week appmt and my doctor said that I even lost 4 pounds since my last visit...interesting! Baby T was moving all around at the appmt today and her/his strong heartbeat was in the 140's again. Next step is to meet with maternal fetal medicene the week following Thanksgiving and begin our weekly ultrasounds to check on the size of Baby T...just to make sure that Baby T is growing on track (and not getting too much sugar and getting too big!). Will keep you all posted...

Really can't believe that its Thanksgiving already next week and then......CHRISTMAS! Ahhh! Only 10 more weeks (at most I guess) until our VERY special holiday present....we can't wait!