Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Temporarily out of service due to Gustav...

Hello to all! Hope that you are doing well!!!!!!

We are sorry that we have been majorly slacking in the blog department however due to our damages from Gustav, we are temporarily out of our home and our new housing does not offer internet access...which is kinda hard as you can imagine! But we are all healthy and happy for that so thats all that matters. Our front oak tree fell through Baby Beau's room and our guest room and actually reached to the back of our house too and damaged the master bedroom. I'm sure it will be a long road but I know that we can make it through it! I'm just thankful that we were not there and we made it just fine at Hunny's house (Mike's mom in New Roads)! (You can see the before and after pics of the house as posted)

Beau says...

I am now 8 and a half months old!!!!!! I am getting into everything, or as I like to say exploring the world! Lets see...I have been busy crawling around, pulling up on things, walking in my walker, going to tailgate for LSU games....Geaux Tigers, visiting the doctor for my ears frequently, smiling and laughing lots, practicing waving, DANCING, biting with my 4 teeth (2 on top, 2 on bottom, sleeping from 8PM to about 5-6AM (sometimes with a little interruption here and there), loving being tickled, loving books, putting my head down on peoples shoulders when they hold me to give hugs, giving kisses...hmmm...think thats a pretty good start!

Here are some pics to share...hope you enjoy them...and we will really try to update more often.