Friday, December 28, 2007

Look...all grown up! (message from Baby T)

Hello everyone! Well...we sure had a great Christmas this year...hope everyone else did too! Thanks again to everyone for all of our awesome gifts!
Just wanted to give a quick mommy and daddy took me for a doctor check up today and we found out that mommy is up to 2cm dilated and 60% effaced (meaning cervix is getting thin and ready for delivery I think). We are at 36 weeks and 2 days today! She said that she would expect to have the baby in the next 2 weeks by the looks of! We were real excited, and of course, well....surprised to hear it! But we realize that anything can happen so I guess we shouldn't get too excited yet! My doctor also said that I am 6 pounds, 2 oz today and that he would expect a 7 to 8 pound baby.

Should be an interesting New Years and LSU National Championship (since Daddy is going) - that's for sure!

Here is a pic from my 4D ultrasound today - not too easy to see my whole face. Oh and check out these cubby cheeks - must have some of mommy's round face in me!!!! Can't wait to meet you all - will keep you updated!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Hello to all! Well....its just about here...Merry Christmas to everyone - hope that you have great holidays!!!!

We have about 4 weeks left until our "special delivery" arrives and we can't wait! We will be meeting with the Dr. next Friday to see how we are progressing, how Baby T is growing, etc. so we should now more then. We will give you another update then. Until then, so far so good and we will be busy celebrating the holidays with some family, friends, and hopefully a little relaxation!!

Hope that you like the Christmas tummy sure is growing by the day...feels like Baby T is ready to bust out of there from the feel and look of her/his elbows, feet, booty, etc. in my belly!

Enjoy the holidays...and of course, GEAUX TIGERS!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hello from Baby T!

Hello everyone!!! Here I am last week at 32 weeks! (Sorry that my arm is in front of my face!) I weigh about 4 pounds and will continue to "put on the pounds" until delivery date...whenever that may be (in case I come before January 24, 2008)! I've heard that I look like my Daddy...and somehow I've managed to keep it a secret as to if I am a little girl or boy from my parents...Any thoughts??? As always, please feel free to post (my Mommy and Daddy always love to hear what you all have to say)! I am so excited to meet you all! Have a Happy Holiday season and GEAUX TIGERS!