Thursday, January 10, 2008

Latest events...

Hello to all! Hope you all are doing well....

Let's see, we've managed to stay pretty busy since the holidays. Here are a few pics/updates:

Melissa Trouard and Jude Voltz had a beautiful wedding last weekend, January 5, 2008 at Jesuit and City Park. It was so nice to see everyone and I think that everyone had a blast! Congrats Melissa and Jude!

Besides that, LSU defeated Ohio State on January 7, 2008 - NATIONAL CHAMPS BABY!!! Of course, Mike was at the game to witness the awesome victory (while I was at home hoping not to go into labor!) What a game! (I've included a pic of me - and belly - taking down the Mike the Tiger ornament from the tree)

And...Congrats to Kelly and Ricky Corales who introduced their first child, son Cody Richard Corales on January 8, 2008 and to Dina and Ryan Brach who introduced their second daughter, Reese Poet Brach on January 10, 2008. Also, to Kelly and Rob Guidry who introduced their first child and daughter, Emma Claire Guidry on December 18, 2007. Hopefully we'll have some good pics to follow with all of these babies. It was so much fun to go through pregnancy with you guys. Dina and I also managed to catch a pic with our bellies before it was time to Reese to come out (as you can see above)!
As for Baby T...we went to the Doctor (yesterday) for the 38 week check-up and she said that we were up to 80% effaced now and that Baby T could make her/his appearance at any time. I feel fine but still experiencing some Braxton Hicks tightening but really not any "real labor" contractions yet. We know that we don't have much longer and we are just SOOOO excited to meet, hold and hug our bundle! We'll keep you updated!!!