Sunday, February 24, 2008

Beau with some family and friends

On this past Friday, Beau made 1 month old (on 2/22/08) - we can't believe it! We will go to the doctor again tomorrow for his one month appmt however at his last appmt (2 weeks ago) he was almost 9 pounds. Doctor said that everything is looking great and he is gaining more than enough weight (he is in the 50% for weight and 75% for length and head). We are hoping to hear some of the same news at this next appmt. He is not really interacting too much yet but every once in a while we get a smile out. We are still not on much of a schedule but we hope that that will change within the next month or so...and maybe mommy and daddy will be able to get a bit more sleep too!

Here are some pics of Beau with some fam and friends. And once again, thanks to all of you for your kindness and generosity - we can't wait for Beau to get to know you all!

(And thanks again to Maw Maw too for her help during our special time of getting adjusted at home!.......we appreciate it so much and enjoy spending our time with you!)

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